entrust IT Blog

ISO 9001 and ISO27001 certification retained

Written by Zane Clements | May 26, 2015 2:17:24 PM


Following an audit on the 19th May, our ISO certifications for Quality Management and Information Security have been retained for a further year.

With processes and procedures described as "robust and comprehensive" by the audit team, we were delighted at the outcome.

Accreditation in 2015 comes with the addition of UKAS certification. UKAS is licensed by the UK Government to use and confer the national accreditation symbols (formerly national accreditation marks) which symbolise Government recognition of the accreditation process. UKAS accreditation provides an assurance of the competence, impartiality and integrity of conformity assessment bodies - in our case the British Assessment Bureau.

We highly value our ISO accreditations which we believe are essential for credibility as a quality IT service provider.

Our goal for 2015 will be to add ISO 14001 (Environmental) to our portfolio.


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