entrust IT Blog

Why is My Business's Internet Slow?

Written by Liam Hearne | Jan 11, 2023 9:15:00 AM

According to a survey from Open Gear, 31% of businesses stated that internet outages cost them more than £1.2 million

We live in a world that gives us access to a seemingly endless amount of information at the touch of a button. Whilst this is great, it makes it all the more frustrating when our internet runs slow or not at all. For the average person, this is merely an inconvenience, but internet downtime can be detrimental to a business. Staff are unable to work, data can be lost, security cameras stop working and hybrid teams are unable to collaborate.

What is Bandwidth and Why is it Important

Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be transferred within a second this is calculated in Mbps (megabytes per second). Bandwidth speeds are affected by a number of variables all of which need to be considered when looking to upgrade your network.

As a business owner, you rely on the internet for many important tasks, such as communicating with clients and employees, managing finances, and promoting your products or services. When your internet is slow or unreliable, it can greatly impact the efficiency and success of your business.

Here are just a few reasons why having poor internet is detrimental to your business:

Lost productivity: When internet speeds are slow, it takes longer to complete tasks, leading to lost time and decreased productivity.

Poor customer service: If your internet is slow or unreliable, it can negatively impact your ability to communicate with and serve your customers, potentially leading to a loss of business.

Decreased competitiveness: In today's digital age, businesses need to be able to quickly and easily access and share information in order to stay competitive. If your internet is slow, it can put you at a disadvantage.

Data loss: If your internet cuts out, there is a high chance that data could be lost. If employees are mid-way through work or are uploading/downloading data and the internet cuts out this could be lost wasting valuable time and resources.

Below are four common reasons your internet could be running less than ideal:

1) Old Equipment

One of the more obvious and common reasons your internet is poor is not due to the bandwidth itself but the hardware. You can have the best internet in the world but if your networking cables and or router can only transfer and output a low amount of bandwidth you'll never experience fast connectivity. Taking the time to be more than anything at the moment. 

Throughout our 15 years of establishment, we have built up relationships with a number of hardware providers who can get the hardware you need from a reliable source at a justifiable price.

2) Router-Related Issues

Having a good router is important, and setting it up correctly is even more important. If you have recently installed a new router but are experiencing slow speeds, there is likely a problem with your router. (Move it around). Routers should be placed as central as possible, if only a few people are experiencing slow internet problems, check to see if they are sitting further away from the router. If they are it could be time to look at getting some wireless access points to help spread the single around your whole office.

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3) Insufficient Bandwidth

All too often we see businesses using more bandwidth than they have available to them. At the time this amount of bandwidth could have been okay, but as your business grows and you obtain more staff and devices (all of which use the internet) your original amount of bandwidth can quickly become redundant. 

4) Bandwidth Overuse

If every employee is connecting multiple devices, from laptops to tablets to phones, to the office internet, it might be more than your office connection can handle. Hospitality and other public-serving businesses have to be extremely aware of bandwidth use. On a busy day, there can quickly be over 100 new users all trying to use the internet on their phones and laptops. If you allow customers into your premises and they experience bad Wi-Fi it can leave customers unsatisfied and tarnish your reputation.

Easy Ways to Improve Your Bandwidth

If you’ve decided to upgrade your WiFi network to an enterprise-grade WiFi setup, the best course of action is to get a consultation from an IT communications specialist. They will:

  • Upgrade your hardware: If your business is using outdated hardware, consider upgrading to newer, more powerful routers and modems.

  • Optimize your network: If your network is overcrowded, consider setting up separate networks for different teams or departments to improve speed.

  • Protect against malware: Install antivirus software and regularly update your business's computers to protect against malware and other online threats.
  • Partner with an MSP: Finally, the most efficient, time-saving and stress-free solution, is to partner with an experienced MSP Such as the entrust IT Group. We can help save you time, money, and stress. We handle all your business's IT needs, including setting up and maintaining your internet and network, troubleshooting issues, and providing ongoing support. 

entrust IT a Safe Pair of Hands

In 2023, technology is going to be a clear player, and having the internet that can keep up with that is important. If you allow your internet to fall behind, you’ll be met with unsatisfied customers, potential data loss and a lot of time wasted.

If you are looking to give your business the internet it needs to succeed but don't know where to start, we're here to help. With over 17+ years of experience, entrust IT would allow you to focus on directly running your business, rather than worrying about technology. Learn a bit more about what we can do for you, by getting in contact 0330 002 0045 or emailing enquiries@entrustit.co.uk to be put in contact with one of our friendly and experienced team members.