How Cloud CCTV could benefit your business

Cloud technologies have changed the way we do things and are unquestionably changing the way we use CCTV. Protecting your business from crime can become a daily struggle, however, CCTV is an exceptional measure that you can use to help prevent crime. Studies have shown that 95% of burglaries recorded to the police in the UK are not solved. CCTV is one of the systems we could use to help reduce this figure and ensure that crimes are solved.

Does your business have CCTV installed? Or do you have little room to dedicate to CCTV surveillance? Is keeping track of the surveillance a struggle due to your busy, on the move schedule?

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Levels of crime have been increasing since 2014 and there have been 8.1 million incidents of crime in the UK in 2017 alone. With crime rates so high, businesses are recommended to increase their security more than ever. Not only are you protecting your business by having CCTV, you are protecting your employees and customers. According to studies shoplifting and assaults are at their highest since 2012.

Although cloud CCTV is a relatively new way of CCTV it is immensely advanced. Cloud CCTV could benefit your business big or small in a number of ways and might be the next step to making sure your business has that increased level of security.

Cost effective

Many business owners are surprised to learn just how cost effective cloud CCTV can be.

Firstly online storage is cheaper than the cost of traditional on-site storage by all means.

Secondly the cost of cloud storage is not only cheaper but more flexible than backing up your own data. Backing up your own data involves maintenance and hardware costs which can end up being expensive. However, with the vast amount of different cloud storage plans on offer you will be able to find one that fits your business’ needs for a cost effective price.

Finally, you will be saving huge amounts of money by the reduced amount of power needed to run the data.

Disaster recovery

Although many procedures are put in place to prevent disasters such as fires happening, there is always the risk of one occurring. If one were to occur and your CCTV surveillance was stored on-site the risk of your camera being destroyed could be very high.

Luckily with cloud CCTV if one were to happen your surveillance would be safe in the cloud. Your business will no longer have to worry that the surveillance will be lost.


Cloud CCTV surveillance can be accessed on-the-go, whenever you want, wherever you want, as long as you have an internet connection. This is becoming more relevant in the present-day with the amount of staff working from home, on the road or in different offices.

It has been made simple to use by allowing you (depending on the provider) to access footage on any device with an internet connection. If you swap from laptop to smartphone cloud CCTV ensures that your surveillance is automatically updated across all devices which could be key if a device was lost or stolen.

Quick and easy deployment

A common misconception is that the installation of cloud CCTV could be complicated and lengthy. This is far from the truth... when purchasing cloud CCTV you are offered a full installation of the system to provide a quick and easy deployment for your business.

Due to the resources of the cloud CCTV being based from off-site, your business automatically frees up space on-site compared to if it was off-site. Therefore, if you are struggling to donate space to the equipment this issue would be resolved.

Remote maintenance

Leading on from a quick and easy deployment for your business, cloud CCTV also allows remote maintenance and troubleshooting. You will no longer need to depend on on-site IT staff or technicians to resolve matters. This allows your on-site staff to focus on other issues that could appear within the business and you can be at peace knowing that if something were to go wrong within the cloud CCTV, experts are working to resolve it.

Flexible upgrades, added storage and routine updates 

The ability to upgrade your CCTV without hassle is key if you want to easily expand your system. As the installation is a quick and easy process upgrading is no problem due to there not being so much large on-site equipment.

There is nothing more irritating than realising the all-important data has been overwritten due to lack of storage. With on-site equipment and data storage this can often happen but with cloud storage there is room for a lot more data. Which takes me back to the ability to upgrade, if you do find you are running low on data storage you can conveniently increase this.

Every business wants to make sure that their equipment is working to the best of its ability. With cloud CCTV, it is updated routinely which means you don’t have to do a thing. Taking this concern away from your business means that you can rest assured that your CCTV is always working and ready.

Interested in finding out more and seeing how entrustIT could benefit your business with cloud CCTV? Read our White Paper for the facts >>

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