How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Teams

The onset of COVID-19 transformed online communication from a convenience into an essential lifeline. Thus, the race to dominate the realm of virtual collaboration commenced. Amidst the flurry of options, Microsoft Teams emerged victorious, securing a staggering 1.4 billion monthly users by 2023. Chances are, you're among this massive user count, relying on Teams as your primary tool for communication and collaboration with colleagues.

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landline to VoIP

Analogue to Digital: The Unstoppable Rise of VoIP

In the ever-evolving communication landscape, a pivotal juncture marked the transformation from analogue to digital, from landlines to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). As we approach 2025, the year of BT's monumental switch-off, it's worth retracing the steps that led to VoIP's triumphant dominance.

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Do This Before BTs Big Switch Off

70% of businesses are still using landlines despite BTs switch off of ISDN and PSTN lines getting closer. In 2025, BT will be turning off its PSTN network, also known as the "big Switch Off". This means that any businesses still using PSTN lines will lose their landline phone service it's important for these businesses to start looking at alternatives.

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How Technology has Advanced to Help Businesses

Technology has undeniably changed the way businesses run their operations. If you were to tell someone 22 years ago that they attend meetings, collaborate on projects, speak with clients, and just generally work from home they might have laughed at you. Fast-forward to today and the advancements we've made in technology have allowed working from home to become the norm for many people. This is only one of the many advantages new technology is making possible.

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5 Challenges Independent Schools Have Told us They're Facing

Many Independent schools started the new year with a spirit of optimism. It seems the pandemics' constantly changing economic effects are drawing to an end and some schools have found they are seeing higher demand than ever, with a lot of new interest from affluent “first-time buyers”. With this said, it’s too early to say that independent schools are ‘in the clear'. As one of our primary sectors, we’ve had the chance to partner with multiple independent schools, working with them to, consult, plan, and execute overhauls to their IT infrastructure. Doing so has given us the opportunity to learn first-hand what challenges independent schools are facing.

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Working from home meeting

How to Collaborate Effectively with a Remote Workforce

A Study conducted by Owl Labs has found 84% of UK businesses are planning on having a hybrid/remote workforce, this confirms the remote wave brought on by the pandemic is here to stay and therefore the need to collaborate effectively remotely will be imperative to your business’ success.

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Remote work

Work Remotely, Productively with Microsoft Teams and OneDrive

With the looming uncertainty around the new Covid-19 Omicron variant and case numbers rapidly increasing, it is once again time for the government to impose restrictions. Unlike the first lockdown in 2020, where we were suddenly forced to work remotely with little to no planning, we are now armed with almost two years of experience and whilst we are most certainly still finding our feet, it is becoming apparent there are many positives a mix of remote, and in person work brings to companies that embrace this Inevitable merge.

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