How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Teams

The onset of COVID-19 transformed online communication from a convenience into an essential lifeline. Thus, the race to dominate the realm of virtual collaboration commenced. Amidst the flurry of options, Microsoft Teams emerged victorious, securing a staggering 1.4 billion monthly users by 2023. Chances are, you're among this massive user count, relying on Teams as your primary tool for communication and collaboration with colleagues.

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Microsoft Copilot Pro

Get started with Copilot Pro, the new AI assistant from Microsoft

Microsoft has recently launched Copilot Pro, a premium subscription service that offers a range of AI-powered features to help you create, communicate, and collaborate faster and easier. Copilot Pro is available for individuals, creators, and power users who want to take their Copilot experience to the next level. In this blog post, we will explain what Copilot Pro is, what it can do, and how you can get started with it with the help of entrust IT Group, a trusted partner of Microsoft.

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