How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Teams

The onset of COVID-19 transformed online communication from a convenience into an essential lifeline. Thus, the race to dominate the realm of virtual collaboration commenced. Amidst the flurry of options, Microsoft Teams emerged victorious, securing a staggering 1.4 billion monthly users by 2023. Chances are, you're among this massive user count, relying on Teams as your primary tool for communication and collaboration with colleagues.

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Windows Server 2012 End-Of-Life

Windows Server 2012 Has Reached End-Of-Life

Windows Server 2012 has reached end-of-life. On the 10th of October 2023, windows discontinued support and updates for this operating system version. Any business still using this outdated system will no longer receive security updates, non-security updates, bug fixes, technical support, or online technical content updates.

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Microsoft Loop guide

Your Guide to Microsoft Loop

With over 1 billion users already utilising Microsoft's suite of applications, including Office and Teams, the introduction of Microsoft Loop aims to redefine collaboration. This blog explores the innovative features, motivations, and transformative potential of Microsoft Loop, prompting teams to collaborate seamlessly and efficiently. Discover how Loop revolutionizes your business and drives success through enhanced collaboration.

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IT Solutions 2023

5 IT Solutions Businesses are Adopting in 2023

Worldwide IT spending is projected to total £3.75 trillion in 2023, an increase of 5.1% from 2022! For business owners wanting their organisation to be as productive, protected and successful as it can be technology is an unavoidable asset. Fortunately, ambitious business owners are in luck!

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G-Cloud 13

entrust IT Group approved for G-Cloud 13 Framework

The entrust IT Group are thrilled to announce that we are an approved supplier in the UK Government’s G-Cloud 13 Framework for Lot 1 Cloud Hosting (PaaS, IaaS), Lot 2 Cloud Software (SaaS), Cloud Software and 3 Cloud Support.

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Windows Server 2012 R2 End of Life: All You Need to Know

As a quick summary, any business still using the "Windows sever 2012 R2" will no longer receive critical security updates and patches after October 2023. Essentially this means that any data stored on you're 2012 server will be at a much higher risk of threat from hackers and cyber-attacks. Therefore, we recommend that you take a proactive approach and find an alternative to your 2012 server operating system to remove any chance of downtime or harm to your data.

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What Does Each Microsoft 365 Application Do?

Microsoft 365 is now used by an astonishing 1.4 billion individuals and businesses and for good reason. Since its original release in 2001, Microsoft has matured into a game-changing modern business productivity suite that combines all the latest Microsoft applications with windows 10 and the highest tier security features. Businesses that haven't already taken the time to improve their companies' productivity through Microsoft 365 may not be aware of how much the 365 roster offers.

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How Technology has Advanced to Help Businesses

Technology has undeniably changed the way businesses run their operations. If you were to tell someone 22 years ago that they attend meetings, collaborate on projects, speak with clients, and just generally work from home they might have laughed at you. Fast-forward to today and the advancements we've made in technology have allowed working from home to become the norm for many people. This is only one of the many advantages new technology is making possible.

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Productivity Hacks

6 Productivity Hacks to Save You Time and Stress

In today’s age, we are littered with distractions, it can be hard to focus your mind at the best of times and being at work only amplifies this difficulty. News, Phones, gossip and stress, all play a role in taking you away from the main tasks at hand. All too often we see ‘productivity hacks’ that go into basics, such as, sleeping enough, not looking at your phone, taking breaks, and whilst these are all very important, we want to look at some of the more proactive productivity hacks that go beyond just getting more sleep.

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