IoT Internet of devices

The Dark Truth of IoT: Internet of Things

A staggering statistic reveals by 2025 there will be over 75 billion connected IoT devices worldwide! The Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity, where countless devices are seamlessly integrated into our lives. However, as this vast network expands, so does the dark side of this interconnected world. With each new device connected to the internet, the risks and challenges associated with IoT intensify.

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Smart Estate management

IT Solutions That Make Your Estate Smart

As technology continues to evolve, businesses of all sizes are turning to IT cloud solutions to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage their IT infrastructure, providing a more cost-effective and scalable solution for managing entire estates. With cloud-based services, businesses can reduce the complexity of their IT environments, improve accessibility, and achieve greater agility in their operations.

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Why is my businesses internet slow

Why is My Business's Internet Slow?

According to a survey from Open Gear, 31% of businesses stated that internet outages cost them more than £1.2 million We live in a world that gives us access to a seemingly endless amount of information at the touch of a button. Whilst this is great, it makes it all the more frustrating when our internet runs slow or not at all. For the average person, this is merely an inconvenience, but internet downtime can be detrimental to a business. Staff are unable to work, data can be lost, security cameras stop working and hybrid teams are unable to collaborate.

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The Cost Of Downtime

The Real Cost of IT Downtime

"IT issues should not feature in your day. Technology should just work. If we do our job right we will be almost invisible... we strive for invisibility", this quote from our CEO and Founder Jeff Dodd comes from years of experience working with a number of businesses all of which wanted the same thing, their IT to just work. IT downtime will incur large costs, reduce productivity, lowered reputation and the potential loss of important data.

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Stressed Woman

The Microsoft 365 Secret Catching People Out

Since its creation in 2011, Microsoft 365 has become the go-to productivity suite amassing over 250 million average monthly users in 2021. Microsoft 365 became critical for many companies as they navigated through the pandemic. During a time when people have never felt more separated, Microsoft 365 brought them together and gave people the tools to collaborate, communicate and feel connected once again, even when miles apart. Post pandemic, more businesses than ever are looking to join the millions by also adopting Microsoft 365, and for good reason.

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working from the office

Why a return to the office needs careful consideration

“What’s next?” In the American TV series the West Wing, President Jed Bartlet often signalled the resolution of an insurmountable or intractable problem with the phrase “What’s next?” The situation wasn’t necessarily resolved, but, a solution was in play and other problems could now be focused on.

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cloud cctv dome camera

How does Cloud CCTV Recording work?

In a previous blog, we discussed Cloud CCTV and how it works for businesses. We discussed how Cloud CCTV differs from “traditional” CCTV, how it works for the end user, and how you can take advantage of this service. In this blog, we will go slightly further, describing exactly how the recording function of Cloud CCTV works in a technical sense. This blog will help you to understand where your CCTV recordings go, what effect that has on your internet bandwidth, and what the differences are between our two packages: VideoIT Essentials and VideoIT Advanced.

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Get more from your internet investment today...

Many businesses today offer Internet to their employees, clients and visitors. With the fast-growing use of the Internet, poor connectivity can prove to not only be irritating but damaging to a business. Perception is everything, and one of the most common ways a consumer will judge your business is on your internet connection. Ultimately, in the online business world, you need high-quality internet connections in order to function and grow.

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Double exposure of business man hand working on blank screen laptop computer on wooden desk as concept with social media diagram

2020 Tech forecast... What do you need to watch out for?

Those that have followed this blog for some time will remember that last year we made some predictions for the technology landscape in 2019. The year has seen some big advances in technology and 2020 looks set to be a huge year for technological change - what do we think will move us in the next year?

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What telephone system will give your business the edge?

If you are currently in the market for an upgrade to the phone system in your company, perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed. There are so many options to choose from and every option claims to be exactly what you need!

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