Disaster Recovery

The Importance of Disaster Recovery Planning for Businesses

Did you know that a staggering 43% of UK businesses have experienced data loss or system downtime? These disruptions can have far-reaching consequences, including financial losses, damaged reputation, and even the possibility of closure. In today's digitally-driven world, where businesses rely heavily on technology, a robust disaster recovery plan is paramount.

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Disaster Recovery vs Backup: What is the difference?

Picture the scene: a staff member receives an email that appears to be legitimate. They click on an attachment in the email and within minutes their computer is encrypted. Because their computer is connected to your office network, before long all of your computers are encrypted. You have been the victim of a ransomware attack, something that happens on a daily basis for businesses up and down the country. To ensure this scenario does not play out in your business, you need a robust security solution. Disaster recovery and backups are two key components for this. However, both terms are often misused or misunderstood in the business world. Many either mistake backup for disaster recovery, or believe that they can have one without the other and remain protected should the unexpected occur.

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How to formulate a disaster recovery plan

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘disaster’? Perhaps it is an earthquake, or a wildfire, or maybe a global pandemic. Have you considered the word disaster in the context of your business? Every year, thousands of businesses face disasters in the form of cyber-attacks or hardware failure. These disasters can disrupt day-to-day business or, in some cases, can put a company out of business entirely.

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