Bourne Group Case Study

Bourne Group undergoes IT transformation with entrust IT Group

The entrust IT Group are pleased to announce the release of our case study with Bourne Group, a leading specialist in steel-based construction. The case study highlights Bourne's challenges and successes in enhancing their technological capabilities. Founded in 1946, Bourne Group’s projects have touched every corner of the UK, with more buildings in London than there are tube stations.

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IT support in 2024

New Year, New Support - Your IT Support Review Guide

Did you know that the average employee spends 22 minutes a day dealing with IT-related Issues? Do you have 100 employees? That’s 42 hours a day, 210 hours a week and around 840 hours a month wasted. Throughout our 17 years of experience, we’ve heard one thing the most, people just want their IT to work, a simple request, that most businesses are still striving for.

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Technology Downtime

5 impacts of IT downtime you can't ignore

In the business world, IT is not given too much attention until something actually goes wrong. However, with so many businesses relying on IT to keep operations up and running, it should be clear that downtime hurts – and it hurts a lot more than you may originally think.

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Outgrowing IT Support Provider

Have You Outgrown Your IT Provider?

We’ve seen all too often growing businesses are held back by their IT provider. At the time they may have been the perfect fit, dealing with your issues as they arise and providing you with the services you required relative to the size and goals of your company. Nevertheless, as your business grows, and for many that can happen a lot quicker than they might think, simply reacting to issues as they come up paired with no long-term planning just isn’t enough. there isn't really that much we can do These successful businesses may find that their IT provider can’t keep up with their needs and as a result negative effects, both financial and operational, start to become all too common. 49% of businesses say that outsourcing their IT functions frees up key resources to focus on their core business

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Proactive IT Support

Proactive VS Reactive IT Partners

In today's fast-paced business landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in the success and efficiency of organizations of all sizes. As a result, more businesses than ever recognise the value of outsourcing their IT needs to Managed Service Providers (MSPs). The allure of having a team of experts manage and support your IT infrastructure is undeniable. However, not all MSPs are created equal, and the distinction often lies in their approach.

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IT support Main Areas

The 8 Key Areas of IT Support

80% of businesses report increased productivity and reduced downtime with comprehensive IT support. From swift hardware issue resolution to proactive cybersecurity measures, this article explores the eight key areas of IT support that empower businesses to conquer the challenges of the modern era. Discover how these crucial components can elevate your organization's technological prowess and drive sustainable growth.

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IoT Internet of devices

The Dark Truth of IoT: Internet of Things

A staggering statistic reveals by 2025 there will be over 75 billion connected IoT devices worldwide! The Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity, where countless devices are seamlessly integrated into our lives. However, as this vast network expands, so does the dark side of this interconnected world. With each new device connected to the internet, the risks and challenges associated with IoT intensify.

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remote Cloud monitoring

What is Remote Cloud Monitoring

According to a recent survey, 94% of enterprises use cloud services. As more and more companies turn to the cloud for their IT needs, cloud monitoring has become essential for ensuring the smooth and secure operation of their cloud-based infrastructure and applications.

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