Cloud CCTV

Your Guide to Cloud CCTV (+FREE 90-Day Cloud CCTV Trial)

Did you know that businesses with cloud-based CCTV systems experience up to 50% fewer security incidents than those relying on traditional setups? Let's explore how cloud technology enhances surveillance capabilities, providing unparalleled access, storage, and scalability. Discover the advantages of real-time monitoring, easy integration with existing cameras, and the peace of mind that comes with cutting-edge security solutions. entrust IT is currently offering a 90-day, no-strings-attached Cloud CCTV Pilot. There is no need to change your cameras—use our system and experience the future of CCTV. Don't like it? No problem, we'll remove it at no charge. Please call 0330 002 0045 to learn more.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Teams

The onset of COVID-19 transformed online communication from a convenience into an essential lifeline. Thus, the race to dominate the realm of virtual collaboration commenced. Amidst the flurry of options, Microsoft Teams emerged victorious, securing a staggering 1.4 billion monthly users by 2023. Chances are, you're among this massive user count, relying on Teams as your primary tool for communication and collaboration with colleagues.

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Benefits to outsourcing IT

The Top 10 Benefits of Outsourcing IT for SMEs

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven business environment, small businesses often find themselves facing numerous IT challenges. Managing complex networks, ensuring data security, and keeping up with rapidly evolving technologies can be overwhelming. Fortunately, a remarkable statistic sheds light on a pivotal aspect of modern outsourcing: 90% of companies consider cloud computing as a key enabler in their outsourcing efforts, as reported by Deloitte.

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IT manager

What Makes a Good IT Manager

In today's face-paced and ever-changing business environment, having someone that looks after your IT is crucial. For many businesses, this task falls onto the shoulders of an IT manager, but with a drastic increase in employment costs and revolutions in cloud technology, is this still the case?

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Outsourced IT support

Outsourced IT Support in 2023

Outsourced IT support is a critical service for businesses of all sizes. According to a recent survey, 64% of SMBs are outsourcing at least one IT function, with 36% outsourcing their entire IT infrastructure. This comes as no surprise, as IT problems can cause significant disruptions, slow productivity, and cost organizations time and money.

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Business problems technology Solves

Business Problems Technology Solves

Fast and reliable IT is the cornerstone of every modern business, but if technology falls behind or its performance starts to slow down, operations will unavoidably be affected. With the average SME in the Uk suffering from 45 minutes of IT downtime each week the costs, frustration and wasted time can quickly become all too common a problem.

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The Cost Of Downtime

The Real Cost of IT Downtime

"IT issues should not feature in your day. Technology should just work. If we do our job right we will be almost invisible... we strive for invisibility", this quote from our CEO and Founder Jeff Dodd comes from years of experience working with a number of businesses all of which wanted the same thing, their IT to just work. IT downtime will incur large costs, reduce productivity, lowered reputation and the potential loss of important data.

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