Bourne Group Case Study

Bourne Group undergoes IT transformation with entrust IT Group

The entrust IT Group are pleased to announce the release of our case study with Bourne Group, a leading specialist in steel-based construction. The case study highlights Bourne's challenges and successes in enhancing their technological capabilities. Founded in 1946, Bourne Group’s projects have touched every corner of the UK, with more buildings in London than there are tube stations.

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MSP Select UK 2024

entrust IT Group listed in MSP Select UK 2024

Ringwood, Hampshire Tuesday, 27th February 2024 entrust IT Group is proud to announce that it has been selected on the Cloudtango MSP Select UK 2024 list, which honours the most successful managed service providers (MSPs) in the United Kingdom.

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Outgrowing IT Support Provider

Have You Outgrown Your IT Provider?

We’ve seen all too often growing businesses are held back by their IT provider. At the time they may have been the perfect fit, dealing with your issues as they arise and providing you with the services you required relative to the size and goals of your company. Nevertheless, as your business grows, and for many that can happen a lot quicker than they might think, simply reacting to issues as they come up paired with no long-term planning just isn’t enough. there isn't really that much we can do These successful businesses may find that their IT provider can’t keep up with their needs and as a result negative effects, both financial and operational, start to become all too common. 49% of businesses say that outsourcing their IT functions frees up key resources to focus on their core business

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How to Migrate to the Cloud in 2023

In 2023, are you looking to lower long term costs, increase staff adapability,and insure the up-time of your operations? Migrating to the cloud is going to be the goal this year and getting ahead of the compeition is invaluable. Let's take a look at the five strategies you can use to migrate to the cloud.

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entrust IT New Forest

Who are the entrust IT Group?

Since our inception in 2006 the entrust IT Group has grown to deliver state-of-the-art IT solutions to countless businesses. Since then 97% of these businesses have continued to choose us as their provider, we must be doing something right. In this blog, we're going to give a concise look into what makes up the entrust IT group, our values, and what we do to help businesses like yours.

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The entrust IT Group are Attending This Years ISBA Conference!

Entrust IT Group is thrilled to be a part of the 150 professional advisers/companies attending this year’s ISBA (Independent Schools and Bursars Association) conference, we’re delighted to be going and are excited to speak with Head-Teachers and Bursars alike. As one of The ISBA’s ‘preferred suppliers’ we are keen to show our commitment and excellence to the Independent School sector, and what better way to do so than face to face.

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6 Tips for Avoiding Burnout in a Pandemic

It’s been a little under 2 years since covid first disrupted our lives. Most of us were required to transition to an entirely new way of working overnight. Two years on, remote work has now ingrained itself in our lives. Despite our experience working through a pandemic, many of us still find that working remotely can blur the boundaries between our personal and professional lives and as a result, struggle to set healthy boundaries.

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Security Considerations for 2022

As we enter 2022 a lot of businesses will be starting the year with a much greater online presence with many companies having made big investments in technology throughout 2020 and 2021. Whilst we may be inching closer towards the end of the pandemic, the changes it brought are here to stay, with remote work becoming common place the need for an online workplace and cloud storage has become a necessity, with many companies heavily investing into their IT infrastructure

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6 crucial things to look for when choosing an IT provider

You know having IT infrastructure that just ‘works’ is crucial to the success of your business, but the cost of developing an in-house IT department with the right expertise would also be prohibiting.

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