5 remote work lessons learnt from the pandemic

I think you’ll agree with us when we say:

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Five essential components of a long-term work from home policy

You want to be able to continue offering remote work in a post-pandemic world, but is it feasible?

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How can you make your remote 1:1s a success?

In this “new normal” of remote working to prevent the spread of COVID-19, many managers wonder how they can keep on top of the needs of their staff away from the office. The 1:1 meeting is a valuable tool for staff to outline their needs and concerns to their manager, and for managers to keep staff happy and motivated. Unfortunately, many managers find conducting 1:1 meetings away from the office challenging. How can you be sure you make the most of your precious 1:1 time?

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6 tips for preventing WFH burnout

Millions of individuals across the United Kingdom have transitioned back to working from home amid the most recent lockdown. The sudden new reality has blurred the boundaries between our personal and professional lives as a result, leaving many staff struggling to define healthy boundaries. Indeed, getting the balance right between work and personal life has never seemed harder.

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Team Collaboration in a Remote World: 7 Top Tips

Strong team collaboration is the key to any successful business. Organisations effective in this area not only differentiate themselves from the competition, but also have more dedicated employees who are motivated to create their best work, thereby improving the performance of the entire enterprise. According to one study, collaborative teams are 5 times higher performing because they feel motivated towards a common goal.

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The six secrets to running a successful online meeting

An increase in Coronavirus cases means we are all now living with greater restrictions on our lives, again. The Government has asked that people work from home if possible, which means whether you like it or not, remote work and therefore, virtual meetings are here to stay. Experts predict that we will be living with restrictions well into 2021.

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The common myths of working from home debunked

Modern technology has slowly led to a rise in people working from home. However, many employers still focus heavily on office-based work, assuming that employees will not be as productive at home. Negative misconceptions like this are what make employers resist the trend, despite protestations from those that would prefer home working, which is growing in popularity; 74% of workers now say they would quit their job if offered more flexible options elsewhere.

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How to stay focused when working from home

As the COVID-19 outbreak became more widespread, millions of employees had to shift to working from home. Although some are now returning to the office, there are still a handful of individuals who are remaining at home to work, whether that be because they are at risk, their offices are staying closed or they simply don’t feel comfortable about returning to the office. Furthermore, with localised lockdowns and an increase in cases throughout Europe, there is always a chance that localised lockdowns will come into force at a moment’s notice.

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Microsoft 365 developments to get excited about

On 21st April 2020, in what they describe as a “natural evolution”, Microsoft completed the rebrand of the hugely popular Office 365 service. In a modest change, the suite drops the word ‘Office’ in favour of ‘Microsoft’ – becoming Microsoft 365.

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