Our Lady of Sion School

Our Lady of Sion School chooses the entrust IT Group!

The entrust IT Group are thrilled to announce that Our Lady of Sion, a respected Independent School in West Sussex, have chosen us as their new IT partner.

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Working from home meeting

How to Collaborate Effectively with a Remote Workforce

A Study conducted by Owl Labs has found 84% of UK businesses are planning on having a hybrid/remote workforce, this confirms the remote wave brought on by the pandemic is here to stay and therefore the need to collaborate effectively remotely will be imperative to your business’ success.

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Three Challenges Independent Schools Will Face in 2022

The last two years have been a challenging time for all schools, the sudden need to have a flexible workforce and a large online presence doesn’t come without its challenges, especially when your ‘workforce’ isn’t just employees it’s also hundreds of students all requiring an all-encompassing online workplace. Whilst it seems highly unlikely independent schools will have to close their doors again it’s clear that covid-19 has left a shadow of changes that are here to stay.

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Security Considerations for 2022

As we enter 2022 a lot of businesses will be starting the year with a much greater online presence with many companies having made big investments in technology throughout 2020 and 2021. Whilst we may be inching closer towards the end of the pandemic, the changes it brought are here to stay, with remote work becoming common place the need for an online workplace and cloud storage has become a necessity, with many companies heavily investing into their IT infrastructure

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Support Woman

New Year, New Support

It has been almost two years since the first lockdown in early 2020, at the start of the pandemic remote work became mandatory to allow companies to continue running through lockdowns whilst keeping distance between colleagues, now that businesses have had time to adapt to this change it seems remote work is becoming common place with almost 84% of UK businesses planning on having a hybrid/remote workforce, according to a study done by tech firm Owl Labs.

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Remote work

Work Remotely, Productively with Microsoft Teams and OneDrive

With the looming uncertainty around the new Covid-19 Omicron variant and case numbers rapidly increasing, it is once again time for the government to impose restrictions. Unlike the first lockdown in 2020, where we were suddenly forced to work remotely with little to no planning, we are now armed with almost two years of experience and whilst we are most certainly still finding our feet, it is becoming apparent there are many positives a mix of remote, and in person work brings to companies that embrace this Inevitable merge.

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Changes to Microsoft's licensing and how they affect you

With the new year coming up Microsoft are making some big changes to the way they sell their licenses that could cost 365 users some extra money if not prepared. In this blog we’ll go over all the changes being made to licenses and how they’re cancelled, along with how we believe these changes could eliminate a large amount of financial waste on unused license's.

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cyber criminal

Email Security 101: The Most Common Risks Explained

£11,000. That is the average amount that small business across the UK lose to cyber-attacks every single year.

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