Why IT Consultancy Can Be Massively Beneficial
No matter the size or industry, the rate at which information technology influences business operations is rapidly increasing. When we speak about information technology we are also speaking about innovation as they go hand in hand and drive each other forward. Technologically expanding can be a complex and time-consuming task, more businesses than ever rightfully feel their time would be better spent on the core of their businesses and therefore choose to get consultancy from an experienced IT partner, and for good reason.
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Looking to Reduce Your IT Expenditure? Here's How...
Energy costs have increased, reliable staff have become harder to find and hardware is more expensive, because of this, budgeting has become a top priority for businesses this year. Whilst saving money is a priority, any serious business understands the importance of technology in their organisation. Finding the perfect balance between costs and technological effectiveness is an intimidating task. Using our 16+ years of IT management experience we've put together these ways your business can reduce its IT expenditure without sacrificing effectiveness.
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Why Human Risk is The Biggest Security Threat Businesses Face
Despite 90% of IT and cybersecurity specialists agreeing that cyber security awareness is of the highest importance, 40% of these organisations have stated that employee awareness is low. Cyber security solutions are getting stronger and implementations of new technology like the cloud make your data safer than ever, but it seems we continue to overlook the biggest threat to our businesses out there, ourselves and our employees.
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How Technology has Advanced to Help Businesses
Technology has undeniably changed the way businesses run their operations. If you were to tell someone 22 years ago that they attend meetings, collaborate on projects, speak with clients, and just generally work from home they might have laughed at you. Fast-forward to today and the advancements we've made in technology have allowed working from home to become the norm for many people. This is only one of the many advantages new technology is making possible.
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In-House VS Outsourced IT, Which is Better For You
These days it's unlikely that any business can survive and succeed without technology. When companies look to expand technologically, they will have two choices, do they take on the burden of implementing, heavily investing and managing their IT in-house, or do they choose to outsource this task to a trusted Managed Service Provider? Whilst both can be viable options the needs and size of your business will play a big part in which option would be best for you.
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6 Facts About Cyber-Security You Should Consider
Every day we produce over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, most of which needs to be protected. Whilst more data being transported and created is a positive sign of technological growth within businesses, it has subsequently brought an increase in the rate of cyber-attacks. Cyber-crime is rising, and the latest 2022 cyber-security facts only reinforce this theory. We speak a lot about the importance of cyber-security in these blogs because we understand how crucial protecting your business's data is and know how devastating the consequences can be for companies that don't put the right safeguards in place.
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6 Productivity Hacks to Save You Time and Stress
In today’s age, we are littered with distractions, it can be hard to focus your mind at the best of times and being at work only amplifies this difficulty. News, Phones, gossip and stress, all play a role in taking you away from the main tasks at hand. All too often we see ‘productivity hacks’ that go into basics, such as, sleeping enough, not looking at your phone, taking breaks, and whilst these are all very important, we want to look at some of the more proactive productivity hacks that go beyond just getting more sleep.
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Why is Conducting an IT Audit Important
Whether it is money, time, or staff every company regardless of its industry, are increasing their investments in technology. The impact a successful implementation can have on businesses' operations is becoming more apparent every day. Understanding the importance of IT audits can make the difference between a successful company and one that fails due to poor implementation, or a cybersecurity-related breach (as highlighted in last week’s blog).
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Why Cyber-Security and Company Reputation Go Hand in Hand
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it” – Stephane Nappo ‘Global chief Information Security Officer’. Building a good reputation takes a lot of time and effort for both large and small businesses. With more and more companies offering the same services you need to be unique. Your brand is one of the things that can help you stand out from the sea of mediocrity. Building a positive brand is important and protecting it even more so, but with more cyber-attacks than ever, your business's reputation could be at risk.
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Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud, What's The Difference
Cloud Solutions have taken over the infrastructure of countless organisations over the last 15+ years and has become a must-have service for any serious business to run their operations effectively. The entrust IT Group have been at the forefront of cloud implementation for over 10 years. We saw early on the potential of the cloud, offering everything from increased security and process streamlining to reduced costs and the ability to access files and services from anywhere using an internet connection. Since then the cloud has solidified itself as the future of computing.
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