Cyber-Security Facts

Facts About Cyber-Crime That Will Make You Think

Last year we saw the largest rise in cyber-crime rates in history. It’s unfortunate, but cyber-criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are taking full advantage of the increase in technology and remote workers within businesses. Cybercrime rates are rising and the latest facts surrounding cyber-criminals and their recent success only back this.

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Cyber Security

6 Facts About Cyber-Security You Should Consider

Every day we produce over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, most of which needs to be protected. Whilst more data being transported and created is a positive sign of technological growth within businesses, it has subsequently brought an increase in the rate of cyber-attacks. Cyber-crime is rising, and the latest 2022 cyber-security facts only reinforce this theory. We speak a lot about the importance of cyber-security in these blogs because we understand how crucial protecting your business's data is and know how devastating the consequences can be for companies that don't put the right safeguards in place.

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cyber criminal

Email Security 101: The Most Common Risks Explained

£11,000. That is the average amount that small business across the UK lose to cyber-attacks every single year.

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Six tell-tale signs of a phishing email

Every day, over 300 billion emails are sent!

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entrustIT Ltd retain both ISO certifications in 2020!

The team at entrustIT Ltd are thrilled to reveal that despite the disruption due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have retained both our ISO certifications in 2020!

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5 cyber security trends to look out for in 2020

2019 was an interesting (and eventful!) year for cyber security. Breaches were hitting the headlines almost every week. According to research, the number of data breaches increased by 54% in the first half of 2019, with nearly 4,000 publicly disclosed breaches during that time.

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cloud cctv dome camera

How does Cloud CCTV Recording work?

In a previous blog, we discussed Cloud CCTV and how it works for businesses. We discussed how Cloud CCTV differs from “traditional” CCTV, how it works for the end user, and how you can take advantage of this service. In this blog, we will go slightly further, describing exactly how the recording function of Cloud CCTV works in a technical sense. This blog will help you to understand where your CCTV recordings go, what effect that has on your internet bandwidth, and what the differences are between our two packages: VideoIT Essentials and VideoIT Advanced.

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Why data backup is paramount for your business!

With the rate of cyber-crime showing no sign of slowing down, we should all know how essential it is to have backup for your data. Nonetheless, many businesses still have inadequate, or even non-existent backup practises according to new figures. In a study of 514 UK business leaders, 17% do not backup their business data at all. Almost 50% of these respondents said their backups were kept on a separate system within the same office, indicating a concerning lack of disaster recovery plans.

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Online banking against tablets and smartphone

The worst passwords of 2019...have we learned nothing?

Those that follow this blog will remember that we wrote about the worst passwords of 2018 at the beginning of the year. This blog proved to be popular, with many surprised at the sheer prevalence of weak passwords.

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How you can keep your data safe in a world full of threats.

In today’s modern world, data is king. In 2017, data toppled oil as the new most valuable commodity. As with any valuable resource, there are always individuals that wish to steal or harm it. The story is no different with data. Computer viruses are by no means new, but in recent years the sophistication and frequency of cyber-attacks has grown exponentially. Well publicised attacks such as WannaCry in 2017, which shut off NHS trust hospitals across the country, serve as reminders of this reality. Interested in learning more about how Managed Services can free up resource and reduce the risk of cyber attacks in your business? Learn more about the problems they solve here >>

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