cloud cctv dome camera

How does Cloud CCTV Recording work?

In a previous blog, we discussed Cloud CCTV and how it works for businesses. We discussed how Cloud CCTV differs from “traditional” CCTV, how it works for the end user, and how you can take advantage of this service. In this blog, we will go slightly further, describing exactly how the recording function of Cloud CCTV works in a technical sense. This blog will help you to understand where your CCTV recordings go, what effect that has on your internet bandwidth, and what the differences are between our two packages: VideoIT Essentials and VideoIT Advanced.

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Cloud CCTV Cameras

What is Cloud CCTV and how does it work?

The Background We are all familiar with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV). It has been around for some time. The concept is a series of video-recording cameras which record imagery for use in securing buildings. It helps to give owners an overview of footfall and activity, as well as deterring criminal activity and for use as evidence to prosecute should that be required.

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Cloud CCTV: Affordable security for all.

Did you know only 14 arrests are made for every 100 burglaries?

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