Big Data on Multicolor Puzzle on White Background.

Personal data is being 'weaponised against us with military efficiency' warns Apple CEO.

It is very rarely surprising to note that major tech companies are, at times, a bit fast and loose with customer data. It is part of the business model of technology companies to make use of our personal and usage data in order to target us with more effective advertising based on our interests, after all.

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On 3/1/2018 (last week) news broke in the media of two security vulnerabilities which will impact almost every computing device in active use today. Named “Spectre” and “Meltdown”, the vulnerabilities arise because of design flaws in CPUs from Intel, AMD, Qualcomm and ARM which have existed for decades – and they’re important because they allow access to information in memory that should be out of reach, whether that’s passwords, keys or other data.

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As you’ll likely have noted from recent media coverage, on Friday 12th May a new type of ransomware (named variously WannaCrypt/WannaCry/WCry) began appearing on computers running Microsoft Windows worldwide – within a matter of hours this infection spread to tens of thousands of devices across nearly 100 countries, causing significant issues for the affected organisations (including the NHS in the UK).

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If Trump has his way, we'll all lose some freedom

This article is from Issue 28 of Modern Law Magazine, to read the full issue click here or visit If you’ve read the news at all recently, it is likely you will have heard about President Trump’s executive orders because in his first week and a half he has signed thirteen. In the hubbub surrounding order number thirteen, the ‘Muslim ban’, another order has slipped past the scrutiny of the mainstream press – and it is an order that could rob EU citizens of their online privacy.

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Grab a tin foil hat, your TV is watching you.

The opinions expressed in this article reflect those of the author, Tom Dodd, and not entrustIT In the past, if you claimed that the Government was listening into your conversations through your TV, you might be placed in a straitjacket and carted off to the nearest mental health facility. Unfortunately, thanks to a huge data release by WikiLeaks this week, your claims would be entirely justified.

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