Hacker programing in technology environment with cyber icons and symbols

Shining a spotlight on data breaches

Pick up a newspaper these days and you rarely have to look far to find a story of a cyber-attack. Indeed, reports suggest that cybercrime is on a sharp increase, with attacks growing in complexity and effectiveness. Recent attacks highlight that threats can impact on businesses of all sizes. With that in mind, an important question arises:

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young engeneer business man with thin modern aluminium laptop in network server room

Is a firewall enough to protect your network security?

We live in a hyper-sensitive era when it comes to cyber-security. News of hacks and vulnerabilities are all over the news at the moment. We value cyber-security and it is our mission to make cyber-security a less daunting prospect for our users. To do so, we have made some helpful guides. Today we will cover firewalls. A firewall is relatively well known, but few really understand what it does.

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Concentrated young hacker in glasses stealing money from different credit cards sitting in dark room

5 ways to improve your cyber security

2017 was a bad year for cyber security. With WannaCry causing troubles in the NHS, Equifax losing customer data and NotPetya affecting companies such as Maersk and FedEx. With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, cyber-security is again at the forefront of our consciousness. This time because the consequences of data breaches have increased exponentially.

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5 Ways GDPR will impact your business

Unsure how to best protect your business against threats. Read our GDPR White Paper for the facts >> GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is coming into effect on 25th May 2018. With it come a number of important changes for all types of businesses. GDPR is complicated, but it is crucial that businesses in the EU comply with the regulation. Despite the fact that the UK is leaving the EU, GDPR will still affect us as it comes into force before 2019. GDPR will impact your business in a number of ways. In an effort to make GDPR easier to understand, we at entrustIT have picked out the five most important ways GDPR will impact your business.

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