Will your backup be there when you need it?

We have talked a lot in this blog about Windows Virtual Desktop and how it is proving revolutionary for companies looking to bridge the gap between legacy applications they cannot live without and the modern IT environments that most of us are embracing now, such as Office 365.

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BYOD: What does your business need to be ready?

The massive trend towards Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and flexible working in the modern workplace brings a new set of challenges for IT departments. It used to be that they had complete control over what devices are on the network… now they have a much broader range of devices to deal with. As the onus is still on them to ensure data remains secure, businesses must look to new technologies and how they can be implemented in their operations.

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Windows 10 for all your staff with WVD!

Since its release in 2009, Windows 7 has proved to be an incredibly popular operating system. Much like Windows XP, Windows 7 has been the default choice for consumers and businesses alike for many years. Users praised its simplicity, the range of software that worked for it, and its speed. Even today, a decade after its release and with three major releases of Windows being released after it, a study from Kaspersky lab reports that 38% of consumers and 47% of businesses still use Windows 7.

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Why data backup is paramount for your business!

With the rate of cyber-crime showing no sign of slowing down, we should all know how essential it is to have backup for your data. Nonetheless, many businesses still have inadequate, or even non-existent backup practises according to new figures. In a study of 514 UK business leaders, 17% do not backup their business data at all. Almost 50% of these respondents said their backups were kept on a separate system within the same office, indicating a concerning lack of disaster recovery plans.

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Online banking against tablets and smartphone

The worst passwords of 2019...have we learned nothing?

Those that follow this blog will remember that we wrote about the worst passwords of 2018 at the beginning of the year. This blog proved to be popular, with many surprised at the sheer prevalence of weak passwords.

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Remote Monitoring: The Managed Service you NEED.

If your business is like the majority, your IT infrastructure will play a significant role in your daily operations. However, managing it is a full time 24/7 job, and as most businesses don’t operate in this way, they can struggle to keep on-top of monitoring it for issues and threats.

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Cyber Security Concept. The Word of Red Color Located over Text of White Color.

6 facts about passwords that will make you THINK.

We say it a lot and we mean it; cyber security is vital in the online world. Passwords are a huge part of that. However, while many know we should use unique usernames and complex password combinations, we don’t. Even the reports of cyber attacks and breaches over the years haven’t made a huge difference, with bad password habits being far more common than you might think.

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somebody is doing something to improve IT security

Fraud Alert – Schools targeted with Ransomware

Originally posted on 23 January 2017

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This week in tech: 7-11 October 2019.

We barely have time to let the dust settle before another tech story hits the headlines. For busy professionals, the pace makes it easy for stories to get missed. We’ve got your back, so have rounded up some of the top tech stories from the past couple of weeks.

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Design firms: How can you keep ahead of the competition?

Architects and Designers must look to technology to solve their productivity puzzles. Technology is reshaping the way we live and work, impacting all industry sectors. It has enhanced collaboration, changed the way we communicate with one another, and even altered the traditional working schedule. This is especially true for the design industry, who have always been reliant on technology, most often CAD software, in order to function.

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