Businesswoman holding tablet pc entering password. Security concept

5 Ways To Prepare Your Staff For A Cyber Attack

A new report by BSI's Cybersecurity and Information Resilience division stated that 73% of organisations are worried about security. However, one in six have no plan in place, and a third conduct no type of security testing. We hear about cyber-attacks almost every day in the news. With the rate of cybercrime increasing, businesses are now asking the question of ‘WHEN’ not ‘IF’ a cyber-attack will occur.

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young business people group have  meeting at conference room and have discusion  about new ideas  plans and problems

Tiva - Why we LOVE where we work

On March 31st 2017 entrustIT completed the acquisition of Tiva IT Solutions Ltd. Tiva are a successful business operating in London and the South East of England. Joining the entrust IT Group presents some exciting opportunities for the entire group.

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Workplace with tablet pc showing calendar and a cup of coffee on a wooden work table close-up

6 Tips For Starting Your Day Right

Some days go right, and some days don’t; it’s the way of life. However, being productive starts in the morning and having a routine at this time will help to set you up for success at work.

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New Forest Pony Lying Down

2 Years On… Why Do We Still Think The New Forest Is A Great Place To Do Business?

Over two years ago, we wrote a blog talking about how, as a business formed in the New Forest, we thought that the region is a brilliant place to do business. Two years on... do we still believe that? Why is this such a unique place to live and work?

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hand working with a Cloud Computing diagram on the new computer interface as concept

5 Steps To A Smooth Cloud Migration

The cloud has revolutionised the way we work and is undoubtedly here to stay. In fact, insights from LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud Study have shown that 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020!

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What makes Bournemouth unique?

Our Head Office is just 10 miles from Bournemouth. This is why we LOVE our local area - and how it shapes our business. Whether you like relaxing on a deckchair, enjoying delicious food, discovering new places or finding new opportunities, Bournemouth is the place to be. From a deserted heathland occasionally visited by smugglers and fishermen it has transformed into beautiful and thriving seaside town.

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any problem working remotely

“Closed Cloud” in Independent Schools

In my recent article, I talked about cloud computing in independent schools, the differences between public cloud and private cloud, and some of the concerns independent schools had about data protection in relation to public cloud solutions. Interested in finding out about ICT in schools? Take a look at our FREE White Paper to discover more >> Due to these concerns, I am seeing increasing numbers of schools looking to adopt private cloud or indeed "closed cloud" solutions where all data remains in school. So today I thought it would be useful to elaborate on "closed cloud": how it works, what benefits it offers independent schools and how it compares with other types of cloud technology. Closed cloud uses the same technologies that public and private cloud providers use, but the vital difference is that rather than being hosted at a cloud provider's data centre somewhere in the world, the whole system is physically located in school. As with private cloud, this necessitates dedicated hardware and thus is more expensive than public cloud. However it has the benefit over both public and private cloud of providing complete assurance around data protection, since all data remains in school at all times. There is also much less reliance on a third party, as although a provider will typically be running and maintaining the system on the school’s behalf, they are not actually hosting the data and therefore should there be a falling out, or indeed a firm ceases trading, there is no vulnerability to the school in terms of their data. In terms of functionality, a closed cloud solution offered similar benefits to private cloud, including:

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Conceptual image of micro circuit. Security concept

10 Unbelievable Facts About Cyber Security!

When the Internet was created 30 years ago by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, it was new and exciting being used to share information by connecting people. However, as time has progressed, the Internet has developed immensely, becoming a scary place full of risks. Did you know that there are 4.29 billion internet users in 2019? An increase of 366 million from 2018

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I blame the network

Cloud Computing in Independent Schools

It's true, the network does seem to get the blame for many things!

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Gavel resting on sound block with european union flag in background

The EU's Article 13 - What is it and why are people so angry?

After years of debates and negotiations followed by 3 days of talks in France, the final version of the controversial EU copyright law has been agreed. We can expect to see a huge change across the EU when it comes to online copyright.

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