Are you prepared for a new generation reshaping the workforce?

The modern workforce is now made up of as many as five generations, all with their own diverse demands, needs and expectations. According to research, by 2028, Millenials and Gen Z will make up 58% of the workforce, an increase of 38% from 2019. In order to remain not only competitive, but relevant, businesses must make innovative efforts to navigate the changes they bring with them.

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5 Office 365 tools that will make you more productive in 2020 [+Free Guide]

Microsoft released the popular Office 365 service in 2011. Back then, it was simply a subscription service to Microsoft Office, but the platform has now matured into an excellent, modern productivity suite. It is estimated that Office 365 users now make up over half of the 81% of total organisations who have made the shift to cloud services.

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The benefits real-time collaboration can bring to your business.

Collaboration is something that has been deep-rooted in business for many years. However, collaborating online has never been easy. Without the right tools, methods can become cumbersome and inefficient. Luckily, new technologies are powering collaboration like never before and transforming how we will work in the future.

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Finally! Bring your Legacy apps into the modern world!

If you are an Office 365 user, then no doubt you are enjoying the great new features in a modern IT environment. Indeed, Office 365 has been something of a revelation since its launch in 2011 and the service now has over 180 million active monthly users. Are you looking to give your business a productivity boost? Learn how Windows Virtual Desktop solves common business problems >>

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5 workplace trends that will shape the future

The workplace is constantly evolving to meet the needs of both employees and employers. We are all familiar with the ‘traditional’ way of working, whereby staff work 9-5 in an office under a manager’s direction and each year, receive a performance review.

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Unlock new capabilities with Microsoft Teams.

Collaboration and teamwork play a crucial role in the success of any business. As employees are becoming more independent and the culture of remote working rises, the use of collaboration tools in the current work environment have really taken off; teams are now able to work together and achieve goals without being physically present together in the workplace.

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