5 tips for managing a remote workforce during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond

Lockdown is now in place across the UK in the hope that it will help ‘flatten the curve’ of the coronavirus spread. Because of this, employees who are not key workers should now be working from home if they can. Studies suggest this may not be as problematic as it seems. In fact, according to research, the productivity increase among remote workers can be equivalent to an extra day per person per week!

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Cloud CCTV Cameras

What is Cloud CCTV and how does it work?

The Background We are all familiar with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV). It has been around for some time. The concept is a series of video-recording cameras which record imagery for use in securing buildings. It helps to give owners an overview of footfall and activity, as well as deterring criminal activity and for use as evidence to prosecute should that be required.

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man in front of laptop

Microsoft Teams: Keeping you working through the coronavirus pandemic

Over the last few weeks, COVID-19 (or Coronavirus) has grown into a global pandemic, impacting millions across the world. As a result, organisations are being advised to adopt home working strategies to help prevent the spread of the disease. Although some businesses find remote working a challenge, how can you keep doing business remotely?

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6 reasons why you need Hosted Desktops in your organisation

With the current global advice surrounding COVID-19, workforces are being urged to work from home. Fortunately, there has never been a more secure, simple and mobile way to work than using a Hosted Desktop.

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Coronavirus: 5 tips to ensure your business is ready for home working.

Coronavirus (or COVID-19) is continuing to send ripple effects around the world and has now impacted people in more than 40 countries. After a recent rise in cases in the UK, organisations are beginning to plan for an Italy-style lockdown to help prevent the spread of the disease. Big brands are leading the way with this decision, with the likes of Twitter, Google and Sony already closing offices and urging staff to work from home.

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The pros and cons of BYOD in the workplace

BYOD is something more and more employees and employers are becoming familiar with. However, even if you don’t know what it means yet, the possibility that you already do it is high. In fact, according to Microsoft, two out of three employees utilise BYOD in the workplace. Interested in finding out how our Hosted Desktop can enhance the security in your organisation? Download our FREE White Paper >>

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5 ways to strengthen teamwork in the workplace

Teamwork and collaboration remain one of the most undervalued and underutilised workplace tactics. Employees prefer to work by themselves to get work done without any external interruptions. However, by doing this it can be difficult for a business to progress – 86% of employees and executives believe that lack of collaboration or ineffective communication are responsible for workplace failures.

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Stay organised at work with our 6 handy tips

Do you ever feel like you need more hours in the day to get things done? If so, you probably need some organisation in your life and don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

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Windows Virtual Desktop and Office 365: All you need to know.

We have spoken a lot about Windows Virtual Desktop in this blog. Indeed, the opportunities this new service from Microsoft can offer to business reliant on legacy applications make it truly exciting.

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