How entrustIT have helped businesses like yours!

Office 365 has grown and matured emphatically since its launch in 2011. From humble beginnings as a monthly subscription-based service for the Office productivity suite, the platform has evolved into a sprawling set of productivity applications. From the applications we know and love such as Word and PowerPoint, to new innovations such as Planner and Teams, Office 365 has become the singularly most important tool for most businesses looking to get some serious work done. Are you interested in learning more about Office 365? Read more about the commonly-held business problems that it solves here >>

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VoIP: The modern telephony platform you NEED.

If you never heard of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), get ready to change that. Traditional analogue phone lines will soon be defunct, which means businesses must start thinking about making alternative arrangements.

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Why you need proactive NOT reactive IT support

Today’s fast-paced businesses rely on technology in order to function. If computers or hardware fail, not only will customers and employees get frustrated, but their bottom line will suffer. The need for reliable IT systems has never been more prevalent.

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The top 10 benefits of moving to the cloud.

In today’s world, the cloud has become one of the most talked about buzzwords among business environments, and it’s safe to say that won’t be changing anytime soon. In fact, the cloud is becoming the technology standard for most companies. By the end of 2020, 67% of enterprise infrastructure will be cloud-based.

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6 tips for making your meetings more effective

Whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, meetings will be a necessary way to help bring people together to discuss ideas, solve problems, review progress and drive outcomes. Unfortunately, meetings have been deemed one of the most major time wasters in the workplace today. In fact, when The Muse conducted a survey on unproductive meetings, they found executives view more than 67% of meetings as failures.

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Will your backup be there when you need it?

We have talked a lot in this blog about Windows Virtual Desktop and how it is proving revolutionary for companies looking to bridge the gap between legacy applications they cannot live without and the modern IT environments that most of us are embracing now, such as Office 365.

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Introducing Go Integrator: The integration tool linking your telephony and CRM platforms.

It’s a tedious process. You make an important call, one that requires notes to be logged afterwards. The call completes and then you must spend precious minutes logging that call in your CRM software and taking down notes from it. It’s so tedious, in fact, that many forego it entirely – leaving gaps in your data.

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Microsoft Planner: The modern task management platform for teams.

Office 365 has come on along way since its introduction in 2011, Microsoft has been rapidly adding more exciting features, updates and applications to enhance user experience. One result of these additions is Microsoft Planner – Similar to Asana, Slack or Trello, it is a task management tool that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams and the rest of Office 365. It works by providing a hub for teams to create plans, organise and assign tasks to other users and check updates on progress via various dashboards.

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Get more from your internet investment today...

Many businesses today offer Internet to their employees, clients and visitors. With the fast-growing use of the Internet, poor connectivity can prove to not only be irritating but damaging to a business. Perception is everything, and one of the most common ways a consumer will judge your business is on your internet connection. Ultimately, in the online business world, you need high-quality internet connections in order to function and grow.

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How you can stop cyber criminals impersonating you.

Email is the primary tool used in business, from internal communication to customers, making it an effective place for cyber criminals to target their victims. According to Avanan’s phishing statistics, 1 in every 99 emails is a phishing attack. This amounts to 4.8 emails per employee in a five-day work week!

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