Remote Desktop Service vs VPN: What is best for your business?

Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have seen a huge move towards the use of remote access technologies such as Remote Desktop Services and VPNs. The move came as many organisations were being urged to have their employees work from home in order to prevent the spread of Coronavirus – according to research, RDS use is up by 41% and enterprise VPN use is up by 33%.

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5 ways to secure remote working

2020 has been a turbulent year. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to the global economy and has changed the way we all live our lives. However, as cases fall throughout the UK, we are seeing a gradual return to the workplace for many. Indeed, Government advice on home working changes from August 1st, and employees will now be actively encouraged to return to their place of work. That being said, the example of Leicester and the recent rise in cases in Spain, serves as a reminder that we will be living with this virus for many months to come, and localised lockdowns can come very suddenly.

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Microsoft 365 developments to get excited about

On 21st April 2020, in what they describe as a “natural evolution”, Microsoft completed the rebrand of the hugely popular Office 365 service. In a modest change, the suite drops the word ‘Office’ in favour of ‘Microsoft’ – becoming Microsoft 365.

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video conferencing meeting

Zoom vs Microsoft Teams: What is best for your business?

Video conferencing and workplace collaboration platforms have hit new highs in recent months due to new working from home policies, social distancing and government lockdowns as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, it was reported that video conferencing apps saw a record 62M downloads during one week in March. While they are hitting new highs, the debate we are finding business owners and senior management having is no longer between Skype for Business and Cisco but rather Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

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5 tips for managing a remote workforce during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond

Lockdown is now in place across the UK in the hope that it will help ‘flatten the curve’ of the coronavirus spread. Because of this, employees who are not key workers should now be working from home if they can. Studies suggest this may not be as problematic as it seems. In fact, according to research, the productivity increase among remote workers can be equivalent to an extra day per person per week!

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Coronavirus: 5 tips to ensure your business is ready for home working.

Coronavirus (or COVID-19) is continuing to send ripple effects around the world and has now impacted people in more than 40 countries. After a recent rise in cases in the UK, organisations are beginning to plan for an Italy-style lockdown to help prevent the spread of the disease. Big brands are leading the way with this decision, with the likes of Twitter, Google and Sony already closing offices and urging staff to work from home.

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5 facts that prove remote working is the future!

The remote working trend has proven to offer significant benefits to employers as well as employees over the past couple of years. As a growing trend, the World Economic Forum called it “one of the biggest drivers of transformation in the workplace”. Despite this, the decision to offer employees more flexibility through the ability to work remotely still raises many questions.

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Are you prepared for a new generation reshaping the workforce?

The modern workforce is now made up of as many as five generations, all with their own diverse demands, needs and expectations. According to research, by 2028, Millenials and Gen Z will make up 58% of the workforce, an increase of 38% from 2019. In order to remain not only competitive, but relevant, businesses must make innovative efforts to navigate the changes they bring with them.

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Have the freedom to work anywhere with VoIP telephony

You do not have to venture too far back in history to find a time where telephony was very cumbersome. If you needed to make a phone call you used your desk phone which, as the name suggests, is attached to your desk. It didn’t move with you, which meant you were attached to your desk too.

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